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The Gospel is the Solution to Poverty!

The Gospel is the Solution to Poverty!

In Matthew 11:5 Jesus named life’s common problems and their solutions. He said ‘The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.’-Matthew 11:5. Sight is the solution to blindness. Hearing is the solution to deafness. Resurrection is the solution to death. Money is not the solution to poverty. Read Jesus’ word again. The Gospel is the solution to poverty!

Reno Omokri is the founder of the Mind of Christ Christian Center in California, author of Shunpiking: No Shortcuts to God and Why Jesus Wept and the host of Transformation with Reno Omokri

How to Get Ahead in Life

How to Get Ahead in Life

Do not follow your feelings. Let your feelings follow you. Do not act how you feel. Act how you want to feel and the feeling will come. With satan, the best form of defense is attack. Do not wait for him to attack your mind with negative feelings because he has no other plan but to do that. Preemptively attack him with positive words. God’s words. When you get up in the morning, don’t wait to see what you mood will be. Tell yourself what mood you want and act it out.

Reno Omokri is the founder of the Mind of Christ Christian Center in California, author of Shunpiking: No Shortcuts to God and Why Jesus Wept and the host of Transformation with Reno Omokri

Focus on Your Frontground

Focus on Your Frontground

Your background does not determine your future. That’s why it’s called background not frontground. It’s in your back! Jesus was born in a manger, that was His background, but look where He ended up. #RenosWednesdayNugget

Reno Omokri is the founder of the Mind of Christ Christian Center in California, author of Shunpiking: No Shortcuts to God and Why Jesus Wept and the host of Transformation with Reno Omokri (Monday at 12am on San Francisco’s KTLN, Chanel 25 on Comcast).

What We Learn From Noah

What We Learn From Noah

If Noah listened to his many critics, the ark would never have been built. You can not succeed if you care what critics say about you. They will only accept that you are right when the floods come and they want to enter your ark. #RenosFridayNugget

Reno Omokri is the founder of the Mind of Christ Christian Center in California, author of Shunpiking: No Shortcuts to God and Why Jesus Wept and the host of Transformation with Reno Omokri (Monday at 12am on San Francisco’s KTLN, Chanel 25 on Comcast).

Focus on Duration

Focus on Duration

The size of your faith is not as important as the duration of your faith. When Jesus told Peter “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” He was not referring to the size of Peter’s faith. Peter had just walked on water. That took a great deal of faith. The problem was that the faith did not last. Focus on increasing the duration of your faith and not necessarily its size. “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move”-Matthew 17:20. The problem with many of us is that like Peter, when we see the boisterous winds, we are not able to sustain faith. What’s the solution? Do not look at the boisterous winds. Instead “Look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith”-Hebrews 12:2. Just focus on Jesus no matter the condition of what you see because “we walk by faith not by sight”-2 Corinthians 5:7. When you take in the big picture, you may be overwhelmed. So take it one day at a time. do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself-Matt 6:34.

Reno Omokri is the host of Transformation With Reno Omokri, founder of the Mind of Christ Christian Center in California and author of Shunpiking: No Shortcuts to God and Why Jesus Wept.

Learn From Frogs

Learn From Frogs

If you put a frog in a pot and begin to boil it, the frog will keep adjusting to the heat until it is too late to jump out of the pot. It’s a fact. At any point in time, the world’s popular value systems will always conflict with Christian values. At those times, God is looking from His throne to see on what side of the divide we fall. Some of these values actually seem humane, like gay marriage, abortion, etc. 2 Timothy 3:12 says “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted”. If you are always celebrated on earth for your Christianity and moral values and the lifestyle that you live, then this verse is a lie.

Reno Omokri is host of Transformation With Reno Omokri, the founder of the Mind of Christ Christian Center in California and author of Shunpiking: No Shortcuts to God and Why Jesus Wept.

On the Brussels Terror Attacks

On the Brussels Terror Attacks

“We were fearing terrorist attacks, and that has now happened”. Those were the words of Prime Minister Charles Michel of Belgium a few hours ago. I condemn the terror attacks but I want to warn that as Christians, we should never entertain fear. Not for radical Islamic terrorists or anything for that matter because what we fear will always happen. Prime Minister Charles Michel is not the first man to use such words. They were first used by Job in The Bible. Job said “What I feared has come upon me”. Sound familiar? What is the solution? “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”-Romans 12:21.

Reno Omokri is host of Transformation With Reno Omokri, the founder of the Mind of Christ Christian Center in California and author of Shunpiking: No Shortcuts to God and Why Jesus Wept.

Stick to the Higher Ground!

Stick to the Higher Ground!

Do not get angry when people insult you during disagreements. They do so because you intimidate them and they want to bring you to their level. Once you swallow the bait and stoop low to their level, your intimidating factor is lost. As long as you maintain the high ground and refuse to react to insults or attempts to ridicule you, you disarm them. This much Jesus taught when He said “Love your enemies, bless them that curse”-Matthew 5:44 #RenosFridayNugget

Carry Joy Instead of Grudges

Carry Joy Instead of Grudges

Work on your character not just on your exterior. No matter how a house is painted it cant make the inside finer. Likewise, painting your face cant improve your character. If your face is well painted and your hair is well groomed but within you are filled with resentments, 2016 is not going to be a better year for you. If you are carrying grudges in 2016, with which hand will you be able to carry joy? Is that not how you wasted previous years? Why not drop the grudge so you can carry joy this year instead?

Reno Omokri is the founder of the Mind of Christ Christian Center in California, author of Shunpiking: No Shortcuts to God and Why Jesus Wept

The Man in The Mirror

The Man in The Mirror

If you searched for the one person that can change your life but didn’t find that person in 2015, in 2016 search the mirror for that person! “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”-Philippians 4:13.

Reno Omokri is the founder of the Mind of Christ Christian Center in California, author of Shunpiking: No Shortcuts to God and Why Jesus Wept and the host of Transformation with Reno Omokri (Sunday at 2.30PM on San Francisco’s KTLN, Chanel 25 on Comcast).